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Published (Peer-reviewed)
*Indicates shared first-authorship, ^indicates undergraduate mentee
20) Hawkinson, V., O.J. Schimtz, and K.M. Ferraro. (2024) Understanding contingency in human-wolf conflict across a mosaic of land uses: An agent-based modeling approach. People and Nature.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/pan3.70002
19) Ferraro, K.M., D. Albrecht, J.G. Hendrix, E. Vander Wal, Q.M.R Webber, O.J. Schimtz, and M.A. Bradford. (2024). The Biogeochemical Boomerang: Site fidelity creates nutritional hotspots that may promote recurrent calving site reuse. Ecology Letters.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.14491
18) Ferraro, K.M. (2024). An individuals-oriented approach to conservation. Animal Senteince. 34 (8).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.51291/2377-7478.1848
17) Jacquet, J., B. Franks, P. Godfrey-Smith, W. Sanchez-Suarez, P. Abrams ... K.M. Ferraro, ... R. York. (2024). Support for the US OCTOPUS Act. Science.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1126/science.adq1980
16) Ferraro, K.M. and C. Hirst. (2024). Missing Carcasses, Lost Nutrients: Quantifying nutrient losses from deer culling practices in Scotland. Ecological Solutions and Evidence.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/2688-8319.12356
15) Gadsden, G.I., K.M. Ferraro, and N. C. Harris. (2024). Energy efficient homes for rodent control across cityscapes. Environmental Research Letters.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ad5ab5
14) Orrick, K.D.*, K.M. Ferraro*, and N.R. Sommer. (2024). Individuals as the ecological and ethical center of human-wildlife conflict. Biological Conservation.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2024.110614
13) Orrick, K.D., F. Rowland, N.R. Sommer, and K.M. Ferraro. (2024). Predator-prey interactions across hunting mode, spatial domain size, and habitat complexity. Ecology.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.4316
12) Trepel, J., E. Lundgren, A. Abraham, K.M. Ferraro, C. Fl.jgaard, L. Haugaard, P. Sunde, R. Pedersen, M. Tietje, J, Kamp, and E. Le Roux. (2024). Zoogeochemistry of a protected area: driven by anthropogenic impacts and animal behaviour. Conservation Science and Practice.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.1111/csp2.13107
11) Burak, M.K.*, K.M. Ferraro*, K.D. Orrick*, N.R. Sommer, D. Ellis-Soto, and O.J. Schmitz. (2024). Context matters when rewilding for climate change. People and Nature.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.1002/pan3.10609
10) Welker, L.^, E.B. Ward, M.A. Bradford, and K.M. Ferraro. (2024). Mycorrhizal functional types shape nitrogen availability in a regenerating forest. Plant and Soil.
DOI: 10.1007/s11104-024-06483-3
9) Ferraro, K.M., L. Welker^, E.B. Ward, O.J. Schmitz, M.A. Bradford. (2023). Mycorrhizal association mediates the zoogeochemical effects of a calving subsidy by forest ungulates. Journal of Animal Ecology.
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.14002
8) Barbero-Palacios, Laura, K. M. Ferraro, I. C. Barrio, et al. (2023). Faecal nutrient deposition of domestic and wild herbivores in an alpine grassland. Science of The Total Environment.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.166616
7) Ferraro, K.M., A. L. Ferraro, A. Z. Andis, and N.R. Sommer. (2023). Revisiting two dogmas of conservation science. Conservation Biology.
DOI: 10.1111/cobi.14101
6) Abraham, A., E. Duval, K.M. Ferraro, A Webster, C. Doughty, E. le Roux, D. Ellis-Soto. (2023). Understanding anthropogenic impacts on zoogeochemistry is essential for ecological restoration. Restoration Ecology.
5) Ferraro, K.M., O.J. Schmitz and M.A. McCary. (2022). Effects of ungulate density and sociality on landscape heterogeneity: a mechanistic modeling approach. Ecography.
DOI: 10.1111/ecog.06039
4) Sommer, N.R and K.M. Ferraro. (2022). An ethical framework for behavioural training in wildlife management. Conservation Science and Practice.
3) Webber, Q.M.R., K.M. Ferraro, J.G. Hendrix, and E. Vander Wal. (2022). What do caribou eat? A review of the literature on caribou diet. Canadian Journal of Zoology.
2) Ferraro, K.M., A.L Ferraro, N.R. Sommer. (2021). Challenges facing cross-disciplinary collaboration in conservation ethics. Conservation Science and Practice. 3(11): e523
DOI: 10.1111/csp2.523
1) Ellis-Soto, D.,* K.M. Ferraro,* M. Rizzuto, E. Briggs, J.M Monk and O.J. Schmitz (2021). A methodological roadmap to quantify animal-mediated nutrient subsidies. Journal of Animal Ecology. 90(7):1605-1622.
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13538
20) Hawkinson, V., O.J. Schimtz, and K.M. Ferraro. (2024) Understanding contingency in human-wolf conflict across a mosaic of land uses: An agent-based modeling approach. People and Nature.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/pan3.70002
19) Ferraro, K.M., D. Albrecht, J.G. Hendrix, E. Vander Wal, Q.M.R Webber, O.J. Schimtz, and M.A. Bradford. (2024). The Biogeochemical Boomerang: Site fidelity creates nutritional hotspots that may promote recurrent calving site reuse. Ecology Letters.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.14491
18) Ferraro, K.M. (2024). An individuals-oriented approach to conservation. Animal Senteince. 34 (8).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.51291/2377-7478.1848
17) Jacquet, J., B. Franks, P. Godfrey-Smith, W. Sanchez-Suarez, P. Abrams ... K.M. Ferraro, ... R. York. (2024). Support for the US OCTOPUS Act. Science.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1126/science.adq1980
16) Ferraro, K.M. and C. Hirst. (2024). Missing Carcasses, Lost Nutrients: Quantifying nutrient losses from deer culling practices in Scotland. Ecological Solutions and Evidence.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/2688-8319.12356
- Covered by The Times and The Scotsman
15) Gadsden, G.I., K.M. Ferraro, and N. C. Harris. (2024). Energy efficient homes for rodent control across cityscapes. Environmental Research Letters.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ad5ab5
- Covered by The Yale School of the Environment
14) Orrick, K.D.*, K.M. Ferraro*, and N.R. Sommer. (2024). Individuals as the ecological and ethical center of human-wildlife conflict. Biological Conservation.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2024.110614
13) Orrick, K.D., F. Rowland, N.R. Sommer, and K.M. Ferraro. (2024). Predator-prey interactions across hunting mode, spatial domain size, and habitat complexity. Ecology.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.4316
12) Trepel, J., E. Lundgren, A. Abraham, K.M. Ferraro, C. Fl.jgaard, L. Haugaard, P. Sunde, R. Pedersen, M. Tietje, J, Kamp, and E. Le Roux. (2024). Zoogeochemistry of a protected area: driven by anthropogenic impacts and animal behaviour. Conservation Science and Practice.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.1111/csp2.13107
11) Burak, M.K.*, K.M. Ferraro*, K.D. Orrick*, N.R. Sommer, D. Ellis-Soto, and O.J. Schmitz. (2024). Context matters when rewilding for climate change. People and Nature.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.1002/pan3.10609
10) Welker, L.^, E.B. Ward, M.A. Bradford, and K.M. Ferraro. (2024). Mycorrhizal functional types shape nitrogen availability in a regenerating forest. Plant and Soil.
DOI: 10.1007/s11104-024-06483-3
9) Ferraro, K.M., L. Welker^, E.B. Ward, O.J. Schmitz, M.A. Bradford. (2023). Mycorrhizal association mediates the zoogeochemical effects of a calving subsidy by forest ungulates. Journal of Animal Ecology.
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.14002
- Awarded: The Bormann Prize
- Highlighted in the Journal of Animal Ecology and covered by The Yale School of the Environment
8) Barbero-Palacios, Laura, K. M. Ferraro, I. C. Barrio, et al. (2023). Faecal nutrient deposition of domestic and wild herbivores in an alpine grassland. Science of The Total Environment.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.166616
7) Ferraro, K.M., A. L. Ferraro, A. Z. Andis, and N.R. Sommer. (2023). Revisiting two dogmas of conservation science. Conservation Biology.
DOI: 10.1111/cobi.14101
- Awarded: NYU Wild Animal Welfare Workshop Award
- Covered by Physcology Today and RainCoast
6) Abraham, A., E. Duval, K.M. Ferraro, A Webster, C. Doughty, E. le Roux, D. Ellis-Soto. (2023). Understanding anthropogenic impacts on zoogeochemistry is essential for ecological restoration. Restoration Ecology.
5) Ferraro, K.M., O.J. Schmitz and M.A. McCary. (2022). Effects of ungulate density and sociality on landscape heterogeneity: a mechanistic modeling approach. Ecography.
DOI: 10.1111/ecog.06039
4) Sommer, N.R and K.M. Ferraro. (2022). An ethical framework for behavioural training in wildlife management. Conservation Science and Practice.
3) Webber, Q.M.R., K.M. Ferraro, J.G. Hendrix, and E. Vander Wal. (2022). What do caribou eat? A review of the literature on caribou diet. Canadian Journal of Zoology.
- Awarded: Editors Choice
2) Ferraro, K.M., A.L Ferraro, N.R. Sommer. (2021). Challenges facing cross-disciplinary collaboration in conservation ethics. Conservation Science and Practice. 3(11): e523
DOI: 10.1111/csp2.523
1) Ellis-Soto, D.,* K.M. Ferraro,* M. Rizzuto, E. Briggs, J.M Monk and O.J. Schmitz (2021). A methodological roadmap to quantify animal-mediated nutrient subsidies. Journal of Animal Ecology. 90(7):1605-1622.
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13538
- Awarded: Journal of Animal Ecology Sidnie Manton Award
In Press/Review
*Indicates shared first-authorship
Ferraro, K.M., A. Ferraro, E. Lundgren, and N.R. Sommer. The use and abuse of Ecosystem Service concepts and terms. (in review).
Ferraro, K.M. and J. Lienau. Of all shapes and sizes: A theoretical framework for animal-mediated terrestrial heterogeneity across ccales. (in review).
Ferraro, K.M. and A. C. Threasher. Teaching beyond the land ethic. (in review).
Ferraro, K.M. and T. Whitehead. Rewilding Relationships: Principles for forging relationships in novel social-ecological systems. (in review).
Peterson, M., J. Bradham, K.M. Ferraro, M. Guillet, A. Keuroghlian, M. Ribeiro, M.L. Jorge. Modeling animal movement patterns to identify thresholds of functional connectivity in fragmented landscapes. (in review).
de Silva, S., N. Jacewicz, K. Kovaka, K.M. Ferraro, C. Callender, D. Jamieson, and A. Prakash. Navigating trade-offs between climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation. (in revision).
Barrio I., K.E.M. Vuorinen, L. Barbero-Palacios, M. Defourneaux, M. Petit Bon, E. Greer, H.B. Anderson, T. Horstkotte, N. Lecomte, T. Windirsch, K.M. Ferraro, B.C. Forbes, ... and S. Kamenova. Emerging priorities in terrestrial herbivory research in the Arctic. (in review).
Ferraro, K.M. and J. Lienau. Of all shapes and sizes: A theoretical framework for animal-mediated terrestrial heterogeneity across ccales. (in review).
Ferraro, K.M. and A. C. Threasher. Teaching beyond the land ethic. (in review).
Ferraro, K.M. and T. Whitehead. Rewilding Relationships: Principles for forging relationships in novel social-ecological systems. (in review).
Peterson, M., J. Bradham, K.M. Ferraro, M. Guillet, A. Keuroghlian, M. Ribeiro, M.L. Jorge. Modeling animal movement patterns to identify thresholds of functional connectivity in fragmented landscapes. (in review).
de Silva, S., N. Jacewicz, K. Kovaka, K.M. Ferraro, C. Callender, D. Jamieson, and A. Prakash. Navigating trade-offs between climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation. (in revision).
Barrio I., K.E.M. Vuorinen, L. Barbero-Palacios, M. Defourneaux, M. Petit Bon, E. Greer, H.B. Anderson, T. Horstkotte, N. Lecomte, T. Windirsch, K.M. Ferraro, B.C. Forbes, ... and S. Kamenova. Emerging priorities in terrestrial herbivory research in the Arctic. (in review).
Interviews, Blog Posts, and Popular Articles
The Telegram and CBC, 2025
The Scotsman , The Times, and British Ecological Press Release, 2024
Interview with Yale School of the Environment, 2024
Interview with Psychology Today, 2023
Highlight in Raincoast Blog, 2023
Interview with Sierra Magazine, 2023
Interview with the Yale Environmental Humanities Program, 2022
Blog Post in Animal Ecology in Focus, 2021.
Interview with the Law, Animal, and Ethics Program, 2020
Interview with University of Bern, 2016
The Scotsman , The Times, and British Ecological Press Release, 2024
Interview with Yale School of the Environment, 2024
Interview with Psychology Today, 2023
Highlight in Raincoast Blog, 2023
Interview with Sierra Magazine, 2023
Interview with the Yale Environmental Humanities Program, 2022
Blog Post in Animal Ecology in Focus, 2021.
Interview with the Law, Animal, and Ethics Program, 2020
Interview with University of Bern, 2016