Zoogeochemistry of Neotropical Ungulates
Vanderbilt University, USA (2016-2018) – For my master’s thesis, I worked with Professor Malu Jorge to investigate the role of the white-lipped peccary within the Cerrado of Brazil. Local extinction events have created forest patches of presence and absence, which we used as natural exclosure and enclosure plots. Within these plots we measured soil and nutrient dynamics to understand the ecosystem services provided by these frugivores and to evaluate the possible effects of local and regional extinction.
Paleoclimate Reconstruction
Boston College, USA and the University of Edinburgh, UK (2014-2015) – Throughout the summer of 2014, I worked in Dr. Eva Panagiotakopulu’s lab (Edinbrugh, UK) where we sought to reconstruct the paleoclimate and paleoenvironment of Cheshire, UK using beetle remains. Upon returning to Boston College in the fall of 2014, I used this research to conduct an Environmental Science Thesis. This work ultimately provided evidence of the Chelford Interstadial, a brief warm period in Great Britain during the Late Pleistocene. In addition, I conducted a Philosophy Thesis with Dr. Holly Vande Wall investigating the ethics of animal use by humans using the framework of Benthian Utilitarianism.
University of Bern, CH (2015-2016) – Through funding awarded by the U.S. Fulbright Program I spend a year working with paleoecologist Dr. Oliver Heiri. While there, I conducted a high-resolution independent temperature reconstruction for the Late Glacial and Holocene using chironomid (non-biting midge) remains as a proxy.
University of Bern, CH (2015-2016) – Through funding awarded by the U.S. Fulbright Program I spend a year working with paleoecologist Dr. Oliver Heiri. While there, I conducted a high-resolution independent temperature reconstruction for the Late Glacial and Holocene using chironomid (non-biting midge) remains as a proxy.